Donations and Giving

Online Stewardship

You can set up weekly donations, mass and bell sponsorship, music program sponsorship, or donate to our Foundation for the Future campaign through the Online Giving section of our website. Thank you for supporting St. Louis Church!


Your Financial Support

Please remember that we depend upon your weekly contribution to sustain our operations and maintain our facilities. You can easily continue your financial support for our Parish even if you cannot be here physically – either by mail or contributing electronically using our website, Please mail to the office at St. Louis Church, 506 Cedar […]


4th Sunday Second Collection

This weekend there will be a second collection for the ongoing maintenance, repair and restoration of our Church, Chapel and Rectory. Thank you for your ongoing support and for helping to keep our church so incredibly beautiful.


Online Donations are now Available

As part of the website for St. Louis Church, you can now donate online. Visit our website at and click on the Dedications/Donations tab. Then follow the instructions for Online Giving, Honorary Bell Ringing, Mass Intentions, Foundation For the Future, Music Sponsorship, and The Endowment Fund.


Consider Electronic Giving

Have you ever misplaced your church envelopes when it is time to leave for Mass? Consider Electronic Giving. There is no fee associated or minimum amount required to use this method of giving. Funds can be deducted from a savings or checking account and St. Louis receives 100% of your intended donation. It is easy […]


Endowment Fund

Please consider a gift to The Father Paul Morrissey, S.M. In Memory of John Nasseff Endowment Fund. Your donation will provide support to all aspects of Saint Louis Church, including preservation and annual operations. Please click HERE for more information.