Get Involved

Every parish community exists to serve: its members, its friends, and the community at large.

While worship services are a major part of that commitment, we provide many additional opportunities to serve others throughout the year. We invite you to participate in the following events or to volunteer your time to make them possible.


Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers

The ministry of lector consists in proclaiming the first readings of the Liturgy of the Word and announcing the prayer intentions of the Universal Prayer. Eucharistic ministers help in preparing the bread and wine for consecration and distributing communion.

Members of the parish serve as lay lectors and Eucharistic ministers. They assist the priest during all Masses in the church and the chapel including on Sundays, Holy Days, and weekdays. If you are interested in being trained as a lector and Eucharistic minister, contact the parish office at 651.224.3379.


Ushers provide seating assistance and take up collections at each weekend Mass. Volunteers generally serve at the Mass they attend, so there is no need to change your schedule. If you would like to volunteer, you can contact the parish office at 651.224.3379.

Altar Servers

We’re always looking for girls and boys to be altar servers. If you are in third grade or higher, you are welcome to help fill this important ministry. Contact the parish office at  651.224.3379.

Tarcisius Group

The Tarcisius Group brings Holy Communion to people who are homebound or hospitalized. Training is provided. If you’d like to volunteer or request this service, please contact the parish office at 651.224.3379.


Coffee and Donut Sunday

After the first three Masses on the second Sunday of every month, join fellow parishioners and friends in the parish hall for Coffee & Donut Sunday. You can help in a number of ways – and none of it involves baking. Contact the parish office at  651.224.3379.

Mardi Gras Dinner

The Mardi Gras Dinner is an opportunity for parishioners and friends to share a meal and enjoy an evening of fellowship. The Mardi Gras Dinner takes place on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

Lenten Food Drive

Each Lent, the parish conducts a food drive. Gifts of food and hygiene supplies can be brought to the St. Joseph’s Altar in the main church or to the grotto in the Winter Chapel any day during Lent. Those gifts are distributed by the Franciscan Brothers of Peace in St. Paul to the homeless.

Holiday Bake Sale

Each year the bakers at St. Louis come together to present a bake sale of extraordinary proportions. Shoppers are as important, too. With everything from Christmas cookies, candy, cakes, and breads to ethnic specialties and even a few canned goods, the sale offers an easy answer to some holiday baking.

Proceeds are shared with a local charity and a special need of the parish community. There are volunteer opportunities beyond baking. Contact the parish office at 651.224.3379.